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7 of 102 photos
Categories & Keywords

Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:Olympics, 1992, Barcelona, eventing, Ian Stark GBR with Murphy Himself, vet check, Olympic Games, Barcelona 1992
Photo Info

Dimensions900 x 588
Original file size249 KB
Image typeJPEG
Color spaceUnknown
Date taken8-Mar-10 20:47
Date modified8-Mar-10 20:47
Shooting Conditions

Camera makeNikon
Camera modelNikon SUPER COOLSCAN 4000 ED
Ian Stark GBR with Murphy Himself EV283-04-21

Ian Stark GBR with Murphy Himself EV283-04-21

Olympics, 1992, Barcelona;Ian Stark GBR with Murphy Himself;Vet check;Olympic Games,Barcelona 1992